Vintage Collection

Vintage Collection: Find the Industrial Modern Look!

The Vintage panel is manufactured meticulously by hand in Quebec to recreate the natural beauty of wood aged over the years. This product is made of North American veneer quality of 1/20'' thickness, which is well above the market standard. This product is unique and timeless.


Backing available

  • Paper Backing with a thickness of 0.010" and 0.020"
  • Fleece (non woven fiber) 0.003" to 0.010" (adds toughness)
  • Wood
  • Polyback
  • Phenolic


Various strenghts available for Pressure Sensitive, Thermo Plastic and Thermo Set options

Veneer Core

MDF / Particule / Contreplaqué / HDF / Fibrex / Cora perform / Contreplaqué Marin

Available dimensions (width X length)

4'x8', 4'x10',4'x12', 5'x8', 5'x10', 5'x12'or any other size on demand.


There is no sanding required for this product in order to stay as much as possible to its natural state.

For the Nature Lover!
Vintage wood is an architectural element made of recycled wood at 100%.

Available Species

Walnut, Oak, Birch/Maple, Hickory, Pine, Ash, Cherry, Poplar

***This veneer aged naturally outside and its tint varies according to the seasons as well as the places of transformation. Thus it is impossible to guarantee a continuity of color between panels. Furthermore, the vintage veneer is made 100% by hand and contains NO glue between the components, consequently, we can be held responsible for delamination after processing for all the products of this collection. Moreover, we suggest strongly that the product is suitably sealed before being used in a environment with medium to high humidity or in touch with liquids ex: table.